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Author Guidelines
Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Technology’s guideline Regarding the NIH instruction: Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Technology will bolster Author’s by posting the PUBLISHED variant of articles by NIH grant holders to PubMed Central following publication.
Editorial Policies and Editorial Process
Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Technology follows a dynamic publication approach that urges specialists to present the original research, reviews and article perceptions as articles, all around upheld by tables and graphical representation.
Article Processing Charges: Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Technology is sorted out by Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Technology, a self-supporting association and doesn't get financing from any private/government institution. Henceforth, the activity of the Journal is exclusively financed by the taking charges got from Authors and some scholarly/corporate patrons. The charges are required to meet maintenance of the Journal. Being an Open Access Journal, Journal of Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Technology doesn't get payments for subscription membership, as the articles are openly available over the web. Authors of articles are required to pay a reasonable charge for preparing their articles. There are no submission charges. Authors are required to make payment only after their manuscript will be accepted for publication.
Article Type |
Article Processing Charges |
Research, Review, Short Communication,etc. |
200 EURO |
The essential article preparing expense or original copy dealing with the cost is according to the cost referenced above then again it might differ dependent on the broad altering, shaded impacts, complex conditions, additional extension of no. of pages of the article, and so on.
Submission of an Article
So as to diminish delays, Authors ought to guarantee that the level, length and configuration of an original copy submission fit in with Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Technology' prerequisites at the submission and every modification stage. Submitted articles ought to have a abstract/summary, separate from the primary content, of up to 300 words. This rundown does exclude references, numbers, abbreviations or measurements unless needed. The rundown ought to give a fundamental level prologue to the field; a short record of the foundation and standard of the work; an announcement of the primary ends; and 2-3 sentences that place the principle discoveries into a general setting. The content may contain a couple of short subheadings of close to 40 characters each.
Note: Authors are sole liable for any scientific offense including plagiarism in research articles or any other type of article; Publisher isn't liable for any scientific misconduct occurred in any Published research article. As a publisher, we will carefully follow the rules and EIC's recommendation to withdraw or failure any article whenever if logical offense or blunder occurred in any article.
Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Technology Contributions: Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Technology acknowledges the accompanying: Research articles, reviews, abstracts, addendums, commentaries, short communication, book reviews, letters to the editor, conference proceedings, case-reports, etc.
Cover Letter: The submission ought to be joined by a 500 words or less cover letter quickly expressing the criticalness of the research, authors agreement for publication, number of figures and tables, supporting compositions, and strengthening information. Also, provide current phone and fax numbers, as well as postal and E-mail address of the corresponding author for maintaining the communication.
Article Preparation Guidelines
Manuscript Title: The title ought to be restricted to 25 words or less and ought not to contain abbreviated forms. The title ought to be a concise expression depicting the substance of the paper.
Author Name: Complete Second Name First letter of First Name
Author affiliation: Department, Institution, Country. Number will be in superscript.
Correspondence: Complete Second Name First letter of First Name and Department, Institution, Country and E Mail address of corresponding Author.
Abstract: The Abstract needs to be informative and fully explanatory, quickly present the topic, express the scope of the research, demonstrate critical data, and point out significant discoveries and ends. The abstract should sum up the article content in 300 words or less. The Standard nomenclature ought to be utilized and abbreviated forms ought to be avoided. The ideal arrangement should include a descriptive study background, methods, results and conclusion. Following the abstract, from the next line keywords will be included (3-10) and and after that abbreviations ought to be incorporated.
The tone of the paper should be set in this section by providing the clear information about the study, the informative literature of the research/study and the solution. The description in the Introduction should be so informative that it should attract the reader’s attention towards the study.
Materials and Methods:
This segment ought to give a total overview of the plan of the study. Definite depictions of materials or members, correlations, intercessions and sorts of investigation ought to be referenced. Just new procedure/methodology ought to be depicted in detail; recently PUBLISHED methodology ought to be referred to and significant alterations of PUBLISHED methodology ought to be mentioned in brief. Trade names should be in capital and the manufacturer’s name and address should be included.
The result part should contain all details of the study, which supports the conclusion of the research. The result should be written in the past tense to describe the findings in the research experiment. The findings which were Published previously should be presented in present tense. The result and Discussion can be written in combined form or separately.
The detailed description of data can be depicted in Discussion part but not in Results section.
Conflict of interest
Proper Disclosure should be done by all authors on any financial and particular relationships with other organizations/institutions or people that could inappropriately influence(bias) their work. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding.
Ethical Guideline
In any examinations on human or living creature subjects, the accompanying moral rules must be watched. For any analyses on people, all work must be directed as per the Declaration of Helsinki (1964). Original copies portraying exploratory work which conveys a danger of mischief to human subjects must incorporate an explanation that the investigation was directed with the human subjects' understanding and assent, just as an explanation that the capable Ethical Committee has affirmed the trials. On account of any Living creature tests, the creators must give a full depiction of any sedative or surgery utilized, just as proof that every conceivable advance were taken to maintain a strategic distance from creature enduring at each phase of the analysis.
The information about the people, grant details, funding sources, etc.
Note: If an Author is not able to present his/her work according to the above instructions, they are requested to keep up clear titles to be specific headings, subheading.
The article already Published and accepted should be used in reference list.
The papers which are submitted but not yet accepted cannot be cited.
The references are cited as numbers in the text.
For reference citation, Type of Bracket which should be used is “[ ]”.
For example, the citation of references should be in a format like, 2 continuous numbers will be separated by Comma [1,2]
If there is arrange of more than 2 than it will be separated by hyphen [3-5]
Example: Published Papers:
Chapter reference:
Book Reference:
Edited Book Reference:
Webpage Refernce:
Figures and Tables
Supplementary Information:
Discrete things of the Supplementary Information (for instance, figures, tables) alluded to at a proper point in the principle content of the paper. Synopsis graph/figure included as a component of the Supplementary Information (discretionary). All Supplementary Information is provided as a solitary PDF record, where conceivable. Record size inside as far as possible for Supplementary Information.
Evidences and Reprints:
Electronic verifications will be sent as an attachment through email to the corresponding Author as a PDF document. Page proofs are viewed as the last form of the original copy. Except for typographical or minor administrative mistakes, no progressions will be made in the original copy at the verification stage. Authors will have free electronic access to the article (PDF) of the article.
Submission of an original copy suggests that the work portrayed has not been published previously (with the exception of as an abstract or as a component of a published lecture, or thesis) and that it isn't getting considered for publication somewhere else. All works published by Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Technology are under the details of the Creative Commons Attribution License. This grants anybody to duplicate, distribute, transmit and adapt the work if the original work and source is properly cited.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism check will be done on the time of submission of article. No article will be published, if the paper is plagiarized.
Withdrawal Policy/ Retraction of article
Author should apply for withdrawal of their article within 7 days of submission of their article.
After the Peer Review process gets complete, and author applies for retraction of article, then the author is liable to pay 40% of the publication fee.
Manuscript Format
Article Title – Times New Roman: 14 : Bold : Justified
Author Name -Times New Roman : 10 : Bold : Justified
Author Affiliation -Times New Roman : 9 Number will be in superscript
Corresponds should be - Name : Affiliation-Mail id : 9
Received Date Accepted Date Published Date: Month/Date/Year : 8
Abstract: Times New Roman : 12 : Bold :Uppercase
Subheading -Times New Roman : 11 : Bold : Uppercase
Content - Times New Roman : 10 : Justified
Key Words -Times New Roman : 9: Bold
Content - Times New Roman : 9 : Justified - Separated by comma (,)
Introduction -Times New Roman : 12 : Uppercase : Bold
Content - Times New Roman : 10
Reference - Times New Roman : 12 - Left align : Bold : Uppercase
Author Name. Article title, Journal Name. Year; Volume (Issue No): Page No.
Figures and Tables